Thursday, 3 March 2011

Final film - preperations, ideas

Due to some problems, I had to leave England for two weeks so I've left my group and I'm going to work by myself. It will be easier to everyone.

I was thinking about my film I'm going to produce. I had some great ideas about my action film, but now I have to forget about it, because there wouldn't be enough people to help me with recording or play. Instead of that, I will also produce action film that will be focusing on camera moves and editing.

Film will be produced in Elblag, Poland.

This place is amazing, however, because of the snow it will be difficult to find some great looking architecture. Also, my home camera isn't fantastic and the quality will suffer, but I can't do anything about that. When I'll be back in England, I will have about a month to edit so I hope will be ok.

The story is about a girl that wakes up, however audience can be sure that she is late because of the rush. She will be running quite a long way so I try to use different angles and shots to make it more like action film. She ends up probably on time but the gate is locked anyway. Audience will keep thinking why was she running and what is this place.

I understand the idea isn't great, but I really had something much better and probably other group will create this. Thanks very much for confusion, [enter your name]. The girl I was recording with has no idea about media, and I had to tell her everything about shots etc.
Good revision for me!
Movie showing the Elblag city.

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