Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Wordle: g47

Very interesting day that was on monday! Bernard told us more about what are we doing from now on.

We went to next room to watch our films. I've seen some preety great movies, as well as a little bit worse (like mine:)) . I gave everyone my opinion, and I tried to make it reasonably fair. I said what were the best aspects in media terminology and howdid I feel after watching the movie. Easy questions, but it took some time to write my statement.

Up there I've uploaded the picture made on and I've written every single opinion from my class about my movie. 

As you can see, the words with the biggest letters were the most frequent e.g motion, effects. Less frequent words like speed, action, slow or great are also very important and bascally these words describe my movie in full. Lots of people were amazed by the effects, slow motion or action speed. 


Unfortunately, I couldn't go to cinema that day as I had very important and painful dentist session:( However, I knew about that and prepared myself. 

I talked with m friend Konrad who was also going to cinema that day, and asked him to take some recording from his Iphone camera. From what I know, there was about 180 people out there watching my film! I was awfully worried about the audience. Normally, I am preety shy about showing my work to others, even to my teachers.... and now, around 200 students and teachers were assesing my work! Gosh, my heartbeat... BOOM BOOM BOOM!

From what I know, Konrad did record quite a lot but I will put the clips later on. EDIT: this is one of the movies recorded.

He also told me, that the audience was shocked when they've seen my editing! Especially when it came to slow motions. The last jump of my acctress was hugely apploused by the students, and they absolutely loved it. I am not really surprised, because teens action and effects similar to these in "Matrix". But it is great feeling to know, that some people actually liked my film and appriciate hard work. Awsome experience, even through I couldn't be there...

EDIT: Today on school's corridor Annabel told me that teachers really liked my music and they were really impressed, especially that I worked by myself. She also said that teachers know about my problems with the sound (programme error), but overall the music and soundtracks were fantastic, and they are shocked! And well, so was I! It's lovely to hear these words from media teachers, especially from Annabel. Thank you!

I would love also to thank everyone who gave me their opinions about my movie. Good and bad ones. I accept critisism!:) 

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